{{htmlmetatags>metatag-og:title=(GestureWorks 2 - Visualizer)
metatag-description=(The GestureWorks Visualizer is a simple, intuitive GUI tool for multi-touch input and gesture analysis developed to display real-time information such as raw input data, calculated data, and qualified gesture event output.)
metatag-keywords=(gesture authoring, multitouch authoring, gesture-based authoring, gesture markup, gestureml, gesture mark up language, GestureWorks, multitouch SDK, Unity, Unity3D, C++, UI gestures, screen gestures, visualizer, API, SDK)
metatag-og:description=(The GestureWorks Visualizer is a simple, intuitive GUI tool for multi-touch input and gesture analysis developed to display real-time information such as raw input data, calculated data, and qualified gesture event output.)
metatag-og:site_name=(GestureWorks 2 Wiki- Comprehensive Gesture-Processing Library for Windows Applications)
====== GestureWorks Visualizer ======
===== Overview =====
The GestureWorks Visualizer is a visualization tool for multi-touch input and gesture analysis. This standalone utility was developed with GestureWorks Core and Unity to display a variety of real-time information, such as raw input data from multi-touch devices, calculated data on touch point clusters, and qualified gesture event output with a simple, intuitive GUI.
The Visualizer interface consists of three windows: the Touch Mode, Cluster Mode, and Gesture Mode.
===== Touch Mode =====
The Touch Mode window shows the raw touch data for each individual touch point. Each point is represented with a colored circle with a single ring and a small box containing the following data:
**ID:** The unique session point identification number.
**X:** The global position of the touch point on the x-axis
**Y:** The global position of the touch position on the y-axis.
In the Touch Mode dashboard, a series of fundamental and calculated properties are tabulated:
**ID:** Unique session identification number.
**X and Y:** Current global position of the touch point.
**Status:** Current status of the touch point (ie. Updated, Removed, Added)
**Timestamp:** Current timestamp for the session.
Below this table is a graph that dynamically shows changes in individual point positions (deltas). Displaying deltas in this way clearly shows trends and patterns in touch point motion and can be used to identify discontinuity in touch point tracking or tracking noise.
===== Cluster Mode =====
The Cluster Mode window displays cluster information generated from touch point motion. The cluster data is a combination of results from kinemetric and geometric analysis performed on the clusters.
In this mode there are three possible clusters: one for each of the two GestureWork tiles that appear in the main window, and one for the background. Each new touch point is added to one of these clusters.
When touch points are detected on a cluster, an additional display is over-layed onto the raw touch point data that depicts the size, shape, and center position of the cluster. The change in separation between touch points in a cluster is shown by a ring drawn around the center of the cluster.
In the Cluster Mode dashboard, the fundamental data for each cluster is tabulated:
**X:** Global position of the cluster’s center on the x-axis.
**Y:** Global position of the cluster’s center on the y-axis.
**Dx:** The distance from the cluster’s current center position to its starting position on the x-axis.
**Dy:** The distance from the cluster’s current center position to its starting position on the y-axis.
**Dscale:** The difference between the cluster’s current scale and its starting scale.
**Width:** The current width of the cluster.
**Height:** The current height of the cluster.
**Radius:** The radius of the cluster’s point separation.
**Points:** The current number of points in the cluster.
Below the table is a chart which dynamically displays changes in the point positions.
===== Gesture Mode =====
The Gesture Mode window displays data structures after they have been processed by the GestureWorks Core pipeline and collected as gesture events.
When this mode is selected, a GestureWorks tile appears in the window that can be manipulated by the gesture events: drag, rotate, and scale.
The Gesture Mode dashboard displays the current coordinates of the GestureWorks tile and a set of graphs for each of the three gestures. The graphs can be scrolled through using the gesture navigation arrows in the header bar. Each graph displays the real-time data from the gesture event as it is applied to the GestureWorks tile.
===== Dashboard Controls =====
The Visualizer dashboard can be minimized and maximized by pressing the bottom button on the dashboard side panel, or moved to the opposite side of the screen by pressing the horizontal arrow button. This allows the entire screen to be available if desired without interference from the dashboard.