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faq [2017/05/03 15:38]
curtisb [GestureWorks 2 FAQ]
faq [2019/01/21 16:34] (current)
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 +{{htmlmetatags>​metatag-og:​title=(GestureWorks 2 - Frequently Asked Questions)
 +metatag-description=(GestureWorks 2 Frequently Asked Questions.) ​
 +metatag-keywords=(gesture authoring, multitouch authoring, gesture-based authoring, gesture markup, gestureml, gesture mark up language, GestureWorks,​ multitouch SDK, Unity, Unity3D, C++, UI gestures, screen gestures, visualizer) ​
 +metatag-og:​description=(GestureWorks 2 Frequently Asked Questions.) ​
 +metatag-og:​type=(article) ​
 +metatag-og:​url=(http://​​doku.php/​faq) ​
 +metatag-og:​site_name=(GestureWorks 2 Wiki- Comprehensive Gesture-Processing Library for Windows Applications) ​
 ====== GestureWorks 2 FAQ ====== ====== GestureWorks 2 FAQ ======
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 ==== What hardware do I need in order to create applications with GestureWorks?​ ==== ==== What hardware do I need in order to create applications with GestureWorks?​ ====
-You need a computer with Windows 7 or later and some type of input device, preferably a touchscreen. You can give GestureWorks ​ formatted input from a touchscreen or any other type of device.+You need a computer with Windows 7 or later and some type of input device, preferably a touchscreen. You can give GestureWorks formatted input from a touchscreen or any other type of device.
 ==== What software do I need in order to create applications with GestureWorks 2? ==== ==== What software do I need in order to create applications with GestureWorks 2? ====
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 GestureWorks leverages the power and efficiency of C++. GestureWorks leverages the power and efficiency of C++.
 +==== What languages does GestureWorks support? ====
 +GestureWorks is a C++ library compiled in Visual Studio. Any language which will support binding to a library like this will work. GestureWorks also includes a package for the [[https://​​ | Unity]] game engine.
 ==== What version of Windows is GestureWorks compatible with? ==== ==== What version of Windows is GestureWorks compatible with? ====
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 GestureWorks Core currently works only with Windows, but Ideum has been developing builds to work on more platforms. Please contact us if you want more details. GestureWorks Core currently works only with Windows, but Ideum has been developing builds to work on more platforms. Please contact us if you want more details.
 +==== Does GestureWorks support ​ Android or iOS? ====
 +GestureWorks currently works only with Windows, but Ideum has been developing an Android build. Please contact Ideum if you want more details.
 ==== Can GestureWorks Core be used to create commercial software? ==== ==== Can GestureWorks Core be used to create commercial software? ====
faq.1493825889.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/21 16:35 (external edit)